Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

SOAL UN Bahasa Inggris SMA dan pembahasannya

This text is for question 1 to 3
“Multicultural Education of Indonesia in Surabaya” is proud to present Ms. Jane Batubara, a well-known educator and researcher in multiculturalism. She was appointed Principal of Jasmine International School in 1999, and since then she has conducted many studies on multiculturalism in formal education. Ms. Batubara will be in Surabaya on the 1st  and 2nd of August 2005 to talk on “Multicultural Education for the Youth.”
                During the talk, the participants will be provided with information on how to:
a.     Obtain a wholly approach to multicultural aducation.
b.    Teach the youth to appreciate differences
Registration for the talk is FREE
Please call Rina at (031) 715632 for seat reservation.

1.                   The text aims to ...
a.       Conduct multicultural studies
b.      Introduce multicultural education
c.       Promote Jasmine International School
d.      Provide information about multiculturalism
e.      Invite as many participants as possible to a seminar

Jawaban: E
Dilihat dari bentuk, susunan, dan isinya, teks tersebut adalah pengumuman (Announcement). Adapun  tujuan dari text pengumuman bisa dilihat pada bagian text:
“Registration for the talk is FREE. (Pendaftaran untuk mengahiri acara bincang-bincang ini GRATIS). Please call Rina at (031) 715632 for seat reservation. (Silahkan menghubungi Rina di nomor (031) 715632 untuk memesan tempat)”.
Jadi, tujuan pengumuman adalah untuk mengajak pembaca untuk mengikuti acara tersebut.

2.                    Which is NOT TRUE about Ms. Jane Batubara?
a.       She is an event organizer
b.      She is a school principal
c.       She is a researcher
d.      She is an educator
e.      She is speaker

Jawaban: A
Berdasarkan informasi yang tersirat dan tersurat dari text Ms. Jane Batubara memiliki beberapa profesi sebagai berikut:
-          Educator (pendidik) and researcher (peneliti)
“a well-known educator and researcher in multiculturalism.”
-          School principal (Kepala Sekolah)
Diketahui dari “She was appointed Principal of Jasmine International School in 1999” (dia diangkat menjadi Kepala Sekolah Jasmine International School pada tahun 1999).
-          A speaker (penceramah)
Dari kalimat “Ms. Batubara will be in Surabaya on the 1st  and 2nd of August 2005 to talk on ....” (Ms. Batubara akan berada di Surabaya pada tanggal 1 dan 2 Agustus untuk memberikan ceramah ...).
Dengan demikian, menurut informasi teks Ms. Jane Batubara bukan seorang “event organizer” (penata acara).

3.                    “During the talk, the participants will be provided with information on how to...”
a.       Granted
b.      Supplied
c.       Arranged
d.      Presented
e.      Contributed

Jawaban: B
Kalimat soal yang dikutip dari teks “During the talk, the participants will be provided with information on how to ...” bermakna “Selama ceramah, para peserta akan diberi informasi mengenai bagaimana caranya untuk ...”
Pilihan jawaban:
Granted (diberi hadiah)
Supplied (disuplai)
Arranged (ditata)
Presented (disajikan)
Contributed (disumbang)
Jadi kata “provided” bisa digantikan dengan kata supplied.

 This text from 4 - 5
Before the fall from the Berlin wall, East Berlin was like the rest of East Germany - drap and depressed. Today it is a different story. There are over 40 major construction project underway and investment in new construction are expected to exceed $20 billion. Part of this boom can be attributed to the fact that the national government of Germany will move to Berlin. The city will once again be Germany’s leading city and a gateway to be expanding markets in Poland, Crash Republic, and other countries east of the German border.

4.                   How was East Berlin before the fall Berlin wall?
a.       Beautiful and nice.
b.      Modern and interesting.
c.       Leading and expanding.
d.      Sophisticated and good.
e.      Dull and uninteresting.

Jawaban: E
Situasi Berlin Timur sebelum keruntuhan Tembok Berlin digambarkan oleh teks “Before the fall from the Berlin wall, East Berlin was like the rest of East Germany - drap and depressed.” (Sebelum keruntuhan Tembok Berlin, Berlin Timur keadaannya sama seperti daerah-daerah German Timur lainnya tidak menatik dan tertekan).
Pilihan jawaban:
a.       Beautiful and nice (indah dan menyenangkan)
b.      Modern and interesting (modern dan menarik)
c.       Leading and expanding (terkemuka dan maju)
d.      Sophisticated and good (canggih dan bagus)
e.      Dull and uninteresting ( sepi dan tidak menarik)

5.                   What the changes happen to East Berlin after the fall of the Berlin wall?
a.       It’s developing to become a leading city of Germany.
b.      It will become one of the richest cities in Germany.
c.       It’s now the center of the country’s government.
d.      It will be the biggest city in the world.
e.      It has become a state city.

Jawaban: A
Perubahan yang tejadi di Berlin Timur setelah keruntuhan Tembok Berlin digambarkan sebagai “There are over 40 major construction project underway and investment in new construction are expected to exceed $20 billion. Part of this boom can be attributed to the fact that the national government of Germany will move to Berlin. The city will once again be Germany’s leading city and a gateway to be expanding markets in Poland, Crash Republic, and other countries east of the German border”. (ada lebih dari 40 proyek pembangunan yang sedang berlangsung dan penanaman modal pada proyek pembangunan baru diharapkan bisa melebihi 20 milyar dolar. Sebagian dari perkembangan pesat ini disebabkan kenyataan bahwa pemerintahan nasional German akan pindah ke Berlin. Kota ini sekali lagi akan menjadi kota yang terkemuka di German dan menjadi pintu gerbang bagi pasar yang sedang berkembang pesat di Polandia, Republik Ceko, dan negara-negara lain dibagian timur perbatasan German.

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